Join Spark

To join SPARK, please go to Contact Us for more information.

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    Recruitment: We will recruit 200 providers who are trained in TF-CBT and carry active TF-CBT cases.

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    Providers: Each provider is asked to recruit 4-5 families with a goal of completing at least 3 TF-CBT cases. Half of the providers will conduct TF-CBT with the assistance of the SPARK toolkit, and the other half will conduct TF-CBT as usual care.

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    Clinics: Clinics will be able to keep 1 iPad for each provider who has completed treatment with 3 study cases. The clinic will also be entered in a monthly raffle for each family referred to the study and receive updates about the study via the SPARK newsletter.

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    Families: Families will receive gift cards in the amount of $30, $30, $40, $40, and $50 for completing study assessments (up to at total of $190).

Provider and student viewing tablet.

Contact Us


The SPARK team is internationally recognized as experts in the development and evaluation of self-help and provider training resources. Find out how we can work together to deliver best practice treatment to children everywhere.